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HR 3753/ S 1691-Homeschool NonDiscrimination Act 2005

Monday, October 10, 2005

Where the bills are, someone waits for me

(apologies for the Fogey Attack, but the mind just makes these odd connections)

Back to the business of the current status of the bills on this Monday morning:

HR 3753

House Education and the Workforce
Referral, In Committee
House Ways and Means
Referral, In Committee
House Armed Services
Referral, In Committee

Subcommittee on Military Personnel

S. 1691

Senate Finance
Referral, In Committee

Emailing or faxing the committee members will be a more direct route of making your opinion on these bills known rather than writing to legislators who aren't yet involved, unless, of course, your legislator is a co-sponsor of either of the bills.
posted by Publius, 7:36 AM


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