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HR 3753/ S 1691-Homeschool NonDiscrimination Act 2005

Monday, December 19, 2005

It's not just us

In addition to Ms. McCarthy's opinions (see also the post below this one), it seems that she's not alone in it, and she's not the first to have that thought:

-- Bill Moyers Fights Back

"An unconscious people, an indoctrinated people, a people fed only partisan information and opinion that confirm their own bias, a people made morbidly obese in mind and spirit by the junk food of propaganda, is less inclined to put up a fight, ask questions and be skeptical," Moyers said. "And just as a democracy can die of too many lies, that kind of orthodoxy can kill us, too."
posted by Publius, 9:07 AM


"And just as a democracy can die of too many lies, that kind of orthodoxy can kill us, too.
dissertation title
commented by Blogger Unknown, 2:40 AM  

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